Great Exercises for Wrist Pain

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There are many conditions that affect the hand and wrist: tendonitis (strains), ligament injuries (sprains), as well as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). A contributing factor for these conditions is inflammation caused by overuse and repetitive motions. That’s why your doctor of chiropractic recommend taking mini-breaks (30 seconds to one minute) throughout a busy workday to […]

Chocolate – Is It Actually “Good” for Me?

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Often referred to as a “sinful indulgence,” chocolate is usually not thought of as a healthy food choice. However, in the last 20-30 years, there has been growing evidence that there are indeed health benefits associated with chocolate consumption! Let’s take a closer look! Chocolate is made from tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds. The earliest […]

Exercise Can Help Knee Osteoarthritis

732x549 Knee Arthritis Exercises to Avoid

In the face of musculoskeletal pain, it’s common to restrict activity. Unfortunately, doing so can weaken the muscles and joints in the affected area, which can prolong pain and elevate the risk for future injury. Patients with osteoarthritis of the knee often fall into this trap. So, what type of exercises are best for improving […]

Do Cell Phones Cause Horns?

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It’s not hard to argue that nearly everyone spends too much time on their electronic devices, especially smartphones. You may be familiar with the terms “text neck” or “forward head posture”, but have you heard that excessive cellphone use may cause your body to grow horns? If you reach around to the back of your […]

When You Don’t Live Nearby: Tips for Long-Distance Caregivers


  As aging parents grow older, their need for assistance can increase. Mobility can change, making home navigation and performing activities of daily living difficult, driving can become more challenging, and forgetfulness can have serious consequences. Based on life changes for their aging parents, many adult children choose to become caregivers when this happens. But […]