Your golden years are a period of great possibility. With an empty nest and plenty of free time after retirement, you have the opportunity to pursue hobbies that may have taken the backseat in the past. No doubt, you are best able to do so when you are in the pink of health, both in mind and body, making it crucial to pay close attention to your overall health and nutrition.


And the benefits don’t end there, either. Nutrition is not only known to increase energy levels and mental capacity in older adults, but it also lowers the risk of diseases. Best of all, proper nutrition also does wonders in managing chronic pain and inflammation.


Needless to say, it’s only prudent that you take steps in ensuring that you are getting the right nutrients you need at this stage in your life. Here are some of the best measures you can take to achieve this and, in turn, guarantee a good-quality life for yourself.


Adopt a Healthy Diet


First thing’s first: There’s little question that the majority of nutrients you take in comes from your diet. It goes without saying, therefore, that simply being mindful of what you eat and drink already has the potential to single-handedly provide you with the nutrients you need as a senior and, by extension, contribute greatly to your overall health.


Now, eating healthy may seem like a tall order to older adults, especially with the plethora of diet restrictions that often materialize as you get older. However, it can actually be as easy as sticking to the basics — that is to say, eating more plant-based and whole foods and varying your protein sources, as well as steering clear of sodium, sugar, and harmful fats. Fundamentally, such foods will already provide much of your needed nutrients, such as calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamins, and many more.


Even chronic pain benefits from a good diet. In fact, experts agree that an anti-inflammatory diet predominantly comprised of vegetables is not only an integral part of pain management but also reduces the risk of chronic diseases and even mental conditions like depression.


Add Supplements


Another way to ensure you are getting the right kind and amount of nutrients that your body demands as you grow older is through supplements. As the name suggests, these are not replacements for the nutrients you get from whole foods; rather, supplements serve as companions, filling in the blanks when needed. And while they are far from the be-all and end-all of great health, it can’t hurt to use supplements packed with key nutrients.


No doubt, among the best supplements you can opt for are those that restore electrolytes. As you get older, your body will become less efficient in replacing electrolytes that are lost when you’re dehydrated or even just sweating. Such an imbalance can result in electrolyte disorders, which, in turn, can cause a host of other illnesses. It’s more than prudent to always have these kinds of supplements on hand, so consider exploring the many electrolyte supplements available on the market today to find the best one for your dietary requirements.


Amplify with Exercise


Finally, hand in hand with nutrition comes physical activity, which serves your overall health in more ways than one and even contributes to alleviating chronic pain. It’s more than wise, therefore, to incorporate regular exercise into your wellness efforts. Equally as important is doing so safely, so make sure to consult with your doctor to learn which activities are best for you, especially if you have limitations in mobility, chronic pain, and the like.


Indeed, proper nutrition and maintaining your overall health as an older adult will challenge you in more ways than one. However, few pursuits are as worthy as the pursuit of a comfortable, enriching, and pain-free life, so take these tips to heart and be well on your way to wellness.